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Derby City Classic 2012

Derby City Classic 2012

Messaggioda BigDave » domenica 22 gennaio 2012, 22:38

Immagine are streaming the main events, the quality is perfect, and Efren Reyes is  playing 9-BALL BANKS next tonight.


Sorry, I didn't have time to run a free-prize give-away for a free PPV pass from but I DID write an article here...
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Derby City Classic 2012

Messaggioda BigDave » lunedì 23 gennaio 2012, 13:07


Broadcasting of the PPV live stream starts today with...

3.00pm London / 4.00pm Italy / 5.00pm Estonia
One Pocket - Francisco Bustamante vs. Dennis Orcollo

Quality is very high, professional commentators, arena, multi cameras etc.
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Derby City Classic 2012

Messaggioda BigDave » lunedì 23 gennaio 2012, 18:27

Read the latest report from Pro9's mole at the 2012 Derby City Classic...

"Derby City High Run Challenge High runs yesterday:
John Schmidt 127 $300
Huidji See 84 $200
Darren Appleton 51  $100

... Niels Feijen got a 113, but it was after his first four tries and does not qualify for the daily , although it does qualify for everything else. Darren also got an 84 towards the event.

We had 12 guys buy in yesterday. Ralf Souquet made a return to the event after a hiatus of a few years, but only managed a 43 on three attempts. A few guys that are doing well in banks are holding off for now. I expected Danny Harriman to attempt but not yet.

John Schmidt had a 110 and a 249 in practice the day before the event started.

Darren won it last year, but said he had not been playing 14.1 for a long time. His 51 basically got him his entry fee back and he is now playing on the house's money. I would expect him to pick up the pace today. For the first year, we are allowing multiple buy ins, so that may affect the numbers a bit. We are expecting Mika to be here tomorrow. Johnny Archer and Charlie Williams and some of the other nine ballers probably won't be here until later."

Still some special offer prices available...
NEXT UP: Efren Reyes vs. Jason Miller 9-BALL BANK POOL
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Derby City Classic 2012

Messaggioda BigDave » martedì 24 gennaio 2012, 12:42

Info courtesy of Darren Appleton:

Derby City Classic 10 Ball 16 Man 1k Entry draw

10ball race to 15 winner breaks

Huidji See vs. Mike Dechaine
Shane vs. Francisco (this match will be streamed by Tues. night).
Lee Vann vs. John Morra
Brandon Shuff vs. Dennis Orcollo
Stevie Moore vs. Ralf Souquet
Warren Kiamco vs. Johnny Archer
Darren Appleton vs. Rodney Morris (replay of last years finals).
Alex vs. Mika

1. $12,000
2. $7,000
3-4. $3,500

Matches start at midnight in USA, so that's Wednesday morning here in Europe
5.00am London / 6.00am Italy / 7.00am Estonia
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Utente Super Master
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Derby City Classic 2012

Messaggioda BigDave » domenica 29 gennaio 2012, 15:22

Shane was in all three finals, and won two of those, so naturally he won the all-around "Master of the Table" award as well... Legendary performance!

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Utente Super Master
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

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