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TAR US Open 1Pkt - 10Ball - 8Ball - Las Vegas

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TAR US Open 1Pkt - 10Ball - 8Ball - Las Vegas

Messaggioda BigDave » mercoledì 17 luglio 2013, 15:18


from TAR's Justin Collett -

All the PPV info for the 2013 CSI US Open One Pocket is now up on the TAR home Page. It has been a bit of a hairy set up but I think we are finally good to go. Four cameras. Single stream this time at 640x360 1.5Mbps. This will allow it to look good on a TV and work well on mobile devices. If people have problems with the data rate I might drop it to 1Mbps but we'll see how this goes. $12 a day with some good discounts for multiple day packages. All info is here:
Kicking off the 2013 US Open One Pocket tomorrow at 10am Pacific. First two matches will be:

10 am: Shane VanBoening vs Jeremy Jones

1 pm: Chris Bartram vs Bill Stroud.


If you like 10-Ball, 8-Ball, or 1-Pocket, there's over 300 pool tables set up in total at this event - don't miss the PPV live stream from
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