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Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

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Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

Messaggioda BigDave » giovedì 9 agosto 2012, 22:40

Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational
Make it Happen Series
The Simonis Arena
Sandcastle Billiards
101 Townsley Street
New Jersey
United States
Pro9 Special Offer - scores

9-12 August 2012


It's started now, and it's awesome, look...
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

Messaggioda BigDave » giovedì 9 agosto 2012, 22:41

Archer, Deuel, Appleton, Reyes, Pagulayan and Van Boening...

4 Days of 8-Ball "Round Robin" - shot clock, commentators, perfect!

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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

Messaggioda Claus72 » venerdì 10 agosto 2012, 16:30

Hi BigDave...that picture looks somehow odd...Archer playing on a regular pool table with english pool balls?? :boh:  :stelle:
Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus
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Iscritto il: domenica 21 dicembre 2003, 22:29
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Re: Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

Messaggioda BigDave » sabato 11 agosto 2012, 23:28

Day 3 of 4

Saturday Aug. 11, 2012
1:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer ( 7 ) vs. Corey Deuel ( 8 )
3:00pm EDT - Alex Pagulayan vs. Corey Deuel
7:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton vs. Corey Deuel
9:00pm EDT - Alex Pagulayan vs. Shane Van Boening

Friday Aug. 10, 2012
1:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 8 ) vs. Efren Reyes ( 3 )
3:00pm EDT - Corey Deuel  (8 ) vs. Alex Pagulayan ( 5 )
7:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 8 ) vs. Johnny Archer ( 4 )
9:00pm EDT - Efren Reyes ( 6 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 8 )

Thursday Aug. 9, 2012
1:00pm EDT - Corey Deuel ( 2 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 8 )
3:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer ( 8 ) vs. Efren Reyes ( 7 )
7:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 2 ) vs. Alex Pagulayan ( 8 )
9:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer ( 8 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 5 )

Efren hasn't won a single match yet! :-(
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Utente Super Master
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

Messaggioda BigDave » sabato 11 agosto 2012, 23:31

Claus72 ha scritto:Hi BigDave...that picture looks somehow odd...Archer playing on a regular pool table with english pool balls?? :boh:  :stelle:

It's actually a TEN FOOT table, with "Casino" balls... That's what they call these reds and yellows in America!
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

Re: Accu-Stats 8-Ball Invitational - starts tonight!

Messaggioda BigDave » domenica 12 agosto 2012, 10:02




Darren Appleton is currently joint leader with Alex Pagulayan, but scoring on the W/L column could be a five way tie after tonight's matches, and anyone could top the list (excluding Efren) - the winner will be decided in this evenings crucial matches!



Saturday Aug. 11, 2012
1:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer ( 7 ) vs. Corey Deuel ( 8 )
3:00pm EDT - Alex Pagulayan ( 8 ) vs. Efren Reyes ( 3 )
7:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 8 ) vs. Corey Deuel ( 3 )
9:00pm EDT - Alex Pagulayan ( 8 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 6 )

Friday Aug. 10, 2012
1:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 8 ) vs. Efren Reyes ( 3 )
3:00pm EDT - Corey Deuel ( 8 ) vs. Alex Pagulayan ( 5 )
7:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 8 ) vs. Johnny Archer ( 4 )
9:00pm EDT - Efren Reyes ( 6 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 8 )

Thursday Aug. 9, 2012
1:00pm EDT - Corey Deuel ( 2 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 8 )
3:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer ( 8 ) vs. Efren Reyes ( 7 )
7:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton ( 2 ) vs. Alex Pagulayan ( 8 )
9:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer ( 8 ) vs. Shane Van Boening ( 5 )



Sunday Aug. 12, 2012

1:00pm EDT - Corey Deuel vs. Efren Reyes
3:00pm EDT - Darren Appleton vs. Shane Van Boening
7:00pm EDT - Johnny Archer vs. Alex Pagulayan

A Playoff Match will be held at 9:00pm EDT in the event of a tie in the standings.
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Utente Super Master
Messaggi: 247
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Iscritto il: giovedì 3 settembre 2009, 8:59

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